
20 plans for Indians for weight loss

Weight loss is very easy and scientific especially if we follow the correct diet and that too in the traditional way.
The trick is to follow the guidelines and continue the same if we want the results in the long way.

1. Eat on time

Avoiding meals never lead to weight loss as when we tend the skip meals or delay the meals then we tend to eat something which should be avoided during weight loss process. If we eat on time then we can continue our weight loss journey in the proper way as it leads to eat correctly and according to the planned meals.

2. Drink 1-2 glass of water after getting up in the morning

Drinking water immediately after getting up will increase up metabolism and we tend to start journey of weight loss without exercise. Drinking 1-2 glass of water even before the meals further help us in the weight loss as this will give us feeling us fullness and we tend to eat less even when the food is very tasty.

3. Take home-cooked meals

Cooking meals at home will always help us to pick and choose the healthy way of cooking. Our grandparents knew the best methods of cooking meals at home. They knew the method to cook the meals on slow and steady temperature rather than in the hurry and in high temperature. We can choose to use less oil, salts and sugar for our healthy outcome in weight loss.

4. Eat without watching Television

Eating while watching television should be avoided as it we cannot enjoy the taste of food and immediately eat the food without proper chewing it. It further leads to disturb our digestion. We always tend to overeat and get into the trap of not losing the weight.

5. Eat traditional food

All the ingredients are equally important for our body as this leads to have the healthy balance in the body and our body tend to respond well to weight loss. In our traditional foods carbohydrate, Protein and fats have the same importance. As we need to have all the three in our meals and cannot completely avoid the fats as it is very important for the body’s function. Excess fats should be avoided.

6. Avoid eating highly processed food

Pasta, Burger, Pastries, Biscuits, French fries, Pizza, Burger should be avoided as this leads to immediate increase in the blood sugar level after eating and the immediate rise in the insulin leads to weight gain and further leads to stop the process of weight loss. Highly processed foods are full of sugar and salt, both in excess is not healthy for the body and metabolism of the body. Highly advertised processed foods are not good for us as well as our children.

7. Shop the way to health

Going for grocery shopping at nearby shop or retails chain? Shop whatever is healthy and nutritious, avoid purchasing the processed food and packed foods. Always purchase the fresh vegetable and fruits. Avoid purchasing tinned and highly processed juices. Always purchase complete gain flour. Prepare the fridge and do not store the pastries, Candies, Sweets in the fridge

8. Limit the usage of sugar and salt

Always avoid the excess salt from the salt dispenser on the table during the dinner and lunch.
Avoid the sugar in the tea or coffee. By avoiding sugar it can help in lowering down the glucose level in the blood. Thus help in the weight loss.
Excess salt intake may cause water retention and contribute into the weight gain.

9. Avoid aerated drinks

To add value to the meals add more fruits and nuts to our meals. It will look more attractive and also it will add more nutrition to our meals. This is the way we can fill our stomach for longer time also.

10. Walk for 30 minutes on daily basis

Running as an exercise may not be suitable for all age group of the people but walking can surely done by all age group of the people. Walking for 30 minutes per day will increase the weight loss, speedup the metabolism, build up the muscle, increase the flexibility and improve the concentration and lowers the stress level.

11. Avoid eating fruits after meals

Eating fruits are great for the health and healthy and fresh fruits add value to our body by giving its nutrition. Our body can absorb the nutrition properly when it is taken in empty stomach. Eating and chewing the fruits properly improves the health and eating fruits after the meals may affect the digestion and interfere in the absorption of the nutrients from the fruits. Moreover eating fruits before food our stomach will be full for longer time and also we will eat less.improve the concentration and lowers the stress level.

12. Avoid fried and creamy foods

Eating fried and fatty foods adds up more calorie and eating them regularly add more calorie to our meals and it may leads to weight gain. Some people may laugh at us saying that he is not eating that food and he will not take cake or pastry. It is ok to avoid and carry on with the proper weight loss plan for our own body.

13. Avoid desserts in all forms

Eating desserts, sweets and other fatty desserts are directly linked with the happiness and celebration. It is ok to avoid all forms of desserts and it adds much more calorie to our body as all the advertised foods looks more attractive and we love to eat the desserts. It is very important to control rather that not seeing the result in weight loss journey.

13. Avoid desserts in all forms

Eating desserts, sweets and other fatty desserts are directly linked with the happiness and celebration. It is ok to avoid all forms of desserts and it adds much more calorie to our body as all the advertised foods looks more attractive and we love to eat the desserts. It is very important to control rather that not seeing the result in weight loss journey.

14. Eat plenty of nuts and seeds

Eating seeds like flexseeds, Sesame seeds, almonlds and more filling and add value in our weight loss. As these seeds contains omega-3-fatty acids and also high fibre, minerals and other vital nutrients. They are power packed for weight loss and also reduce the chances of other cardiovascular and metabolic disease. They also reduce the dryness of the skin and improves the memory and dryness of eyesight.

15. Avoid eating anything after 8 PM every day

Following the rule and eating the foods on time in the evening especially affects the metabolism and it slows down and affects the weight loss. Eating on time and chewing properly helps in the proper digestion and improves the energy level. Our ancestors or the some community people have to eat food before the sunset. This rule alone can work wonders in the weight loss journey and healthy living.other cardiovascular and metabolic disease. They also reduce the dryness of the skin and improves the memory and dryness of eyesight.

16. Follow doctors advice

Doctors advice before any form of exercise and medication or special meals are very important. As the doctors advice for chronic medicine is very important to follow. People tend to gain weight faster in case of hormonal imbalance (Hypothyroidism). It is very important to take proper medication, control and take precaution according to physician advice.

17. Eat local fruits and vegetables

Eating fresh fruits, taking the fresh vegetables and using them very fresh contain lots of nutrients. Eating fruits and vegetables which looks to be fancy and also came from far distance reduces the nutrients because it was stored for longer duration of time. Our body respond to the alkaline by eating raw vegetables and fruits. It will reduce the inflammation from the body and progress towards the weight loss process. Eating non vegetarian foods, tea and coffee increases the acidity of the body which leads to increase the inflammation and people tend to gain weight. That is the reason it is advised that one glass of water along with one lemon brings the body alkaline and it helps in the weight loss.

18. Avoid vehicles for small distance

Avoiding the vehicle for small distance will burn the calorie in the process. We will never come to know the amount of efforts we have taken. Always carry the vegetables and other light grocery to the home. Average person walks for 5 km in one hour and burns 180 calories in the process. Walk to meet your friends and relatives and encourage them also to do the same.

19. Avoid packed foods and juices

Taking the healthy packed juices after watching the advertisement is a waste of money especially if we want to lose weight. Packed juices are full of sugar and it leads to immediate increase in the sugar level in the blood and leads to increase in insulin level and interfere in the weight loss.
Packed foods are basically junk foods and it should be avoided at any cost. Junk foods are more calories and basically no nutrients. It tastes great and also contains lots of salts which further increase the bloating and interfere in the weight loss process.

20. Sleep on time

Sleeping on time and sleeping properly without interruption skyrocket the process of weight loss. Poor sleep increases our appetite. Losing out on sleep creates a viscous cycle in your body, making us more prone to various factors contributing to weight gain. The less we sleep, higher level of stress hormone, cortisol and cortisol increases the appetite.
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